Posted by: bree1972 | March 29, 2013

HE LIVES! 3/29/2013

Because He lives

I can face tomorrow.


Because He lives

All fear is gone.


Because I know

He holds the future.


And life is worth the living

just because

He lives.


With love and the joy of knowing My Savior lives, on this beautiful Easter weekend, I pray God’s richest blessings for each of you.


  1. Amen!!!
    Celebrating with you!

  2. And a Very Blessed Easter to the Hortons.

  3. A Blessed Easter to you and Ted and to all who come to your blog.

  4. Wishing you and your family a very blessed Easter!

  5. Brenda,

    That is one reason I love the church of which Faye & I are members. The death, burial and RESURRECTION are celebrated every Sunday.

    Your blog today said it so well. HE LIVES!

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